Enmesh channels the nature of modern day minds and bodies that don’t sit still. Days where information, experiences, and emotions come at us from all directions and different mediums, changing faster than the advertisements on the digital billboard at the main road intersection on our way to work, creating a splatter of a day in the life.
This series experiments with a combination of Japanese Sumi-e ink paintings and plain weaving. Where traditional Sumi Ink calligraphy artworks may embody one singular motif - here a combination of 3 original Sumi Ink artworks on rice paper are shredded to create strips that are woven together to create a new series of patterns with a unique combination of themes and emotions for the viewer to interpret.
Sumi-e is spiritually rooted in Zen Buddhism, creating strokes in the moment with a style and spirit of physical immersion, meditation with a brush - in this context reflecting society’s current endeavours towards modern spirituality and mindfulness. Whilst plain weaving portrays functionality - getting through the day – as a strong and hard wearing technique of intersections, one-up-one-down, like the highs and lows of daily life. Combined, these techniques created works that portray the enmeshment of the modern human experience.